Saturday 16 May 2009

My career

Hellow everyone!
In this time I talk about my carrer.
I am studing Psychology, and I decided to study it when I finished the school. I wanted to study another carreer, and I was convinced of it. But everything changed when I realized that I needed to work with people. Now I’m sure that helping people is what makes me happy and I want to do this for the rest of my life.
I love my carreer, and I study that because I want to work helping people. I think this career is a oportunity to change the life of people with hard problems. Psychology gives me tools to know about people’s personalities and this allow to be expert in this area.
My favourite subject is Clinical Psychology, and I want to work with childrens and teenagers because I think that a good professional can change a child’s life, because this stage is very vulnerable.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catalina, Good job, Perhaps a little bit short.

    I would like you to analyze the following sentences with Claudia Madrid, and see if you can make any improvements.

    The sentences are the following:

    - "I was convinced of that"

    - "I study that because I like work helping the people"

    - "I think this career is a oportunity to change the life of people who have hard problems."

    - "The psychology give me tools to know the people’s personalities and this allow to be expert in this area."

    - "I want work with childrens and teenagers"

    So, get to work.

    You get 2 points.

