Tuesday 29 September 2009

Go out in Santiago

If I had to choose a very beautiful places in Santiago to invite a turist, I first choose places about owr history, places that you can’t find in other country of the world.
I think a different restaurant for to go to eat is the “Liguria”. It is a very beautiful place to spend a good moment, it is a smart restaurant, very clean, but moreover it has the special feature: while you eat, you can see many pictures about the importants chilean’s events. This restaurant has many relic to other time.
Other beautiful place in Santiago, is the “Pueblito de los Dominicos”. It is a tusistic’s place, in it, you can find many handmade things to buy. In it, you can see many people making their own crafts, and in own stands they sell pieces of craftwork. Also, into this place has coffes and restaurants, for this, it is a perfect prospect to spend a great day.
Finally, I love the San Cristobal hill. It is a very funny place, with many possibilities to do. During the day, in San Cristobal hill there are a zoo, yoga’s activities a good swimming pool, and a big park. Also, you can travel in the cable railway, to know whole hill. During the night, you have others activities, there are many pubs and restaurants, and arround it there is bellavista, a good center to go out in the night.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

My Hobbies

I like do there are many things, but my favorite is to dance. I like dance, because I like the hobbies connected with fitness, but other sport are too hard, and you need do to much of effort. The dance is a fun sport, and you can to practice it in differents places and contexts. You can be dancing in a dance’s academy as also dance in a party.
Before, I practice this sport in a good academy, and I spent very greats moments in this place. I arrived each evening and I forgoten all my problems, because I only have head for to dance. It was very good. But the problem is this hobbie was very expensive for my family, and I had to leave it for a long time. In the present, I took class in a cheaper place, I go three days to week. The difference between both place, is the second is a gym, and the first an academy. But it doesn`t matter, because the important thing is that I can continue with it. Also, is important to emphasize, I like this hobbie when you practice it with more people, however are many people who prefe practice that alone.