Tuesday 29 September 2009

Go out in Santiago

If I had to choose a very beautiful places in Santiago to invite a turist, I first choose places about owr history, places that you can’t find in other country of the world.
I think a different restaurant for to go to eat is the “Liguria”. It is a very beautiful place to spend a good moment, it is a smart restaurant, very clean, but moreover it has the special feature: while you eat, you can see many pictures about the importants chilean’s events. This restaurant has many relic to other time.
Other beautiful place in Santiago, is the “Pueblito de los Dominicos”. It is a tusistic’s place, in it, you can find many handmade things to buy. In it, you can see many people making their own crafts, and in own stands they sell pieces of craftwork. Also, into this place has coffes and restaurants, for this, it is a perfect prospect to spend a great day.
Finally, I love the San Cristobal hill. It is a very funny place, with many possibilities to do. During the day, in San Cristobal hill there are a zoo, yoga’s activities a good swimming pool, and a big park. Also, you can travel in the cable railway, to know whole hill. During the night, you have others activities, there are many pubs and restaurants, and arround it there is bellavista, a good center to go out in the night.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

My Hobbies

I like do there are many things, but my favorite is to dance. I like dance, because I like the hobbies connected with fitness, but other sport are too hard, and you need do to much of effort. The dance is a fun sport, and you can to practice it in differents places and contexts. You can be dancing in a dance’s academy as also dance in a party.
Before, I practice this sport in a good academy, and I spent very greats moments in this place. I arrived each evening and I forgoten all my problems, because I only have head for to dance. It was very good. But the problem is this hobbie was very expensive for my family, and I had to leave it for a long time. In the present, I took class in a cheaper place, I go three days to week. The difference between both place, is the second is a gym, and the first an academy. But it doesn`t matter, because the important thing is that I can continue with it. Also, is important to emphasize, I like this hobbie when you practice it with more people, however are many people who prefe practice that alone.

Monday 13 July 2009

My blogging experience.

Hi guys, at this time I will write about my blogging experience.
Although I’ve always spent a lot of time using the computer, either chatting with my friends or sharing photos with them, I’ve never had a blog before. This very original way of presenting the tasks for the English Class, has opened a new world for me. This cyber world gives me the chance to write about any subject of my interest and share it with my friends.
For me this was a nice experience because it is a different way of learning. It has helped me a lot to improve my writing, but I’m not quite sure if the same happened with my speaking. Anyway, it was good because it allowed me to learn English enjoying this subject.
Another interesting thing of this work is that it has helped me to share this learning process with my classmates. We have helped each other correcting our texts, we have talked about it and I can say that it is an advantage to learn in group. I also got to know better my classmates because I added them like favorites friends in my blog, allowing me to read their histories and knowing part of their lives.
The different tasks that the teacher assigned us, allowed us to write about funny things in my life and I really enjoyed posting my classmates’ blogs.
As I mentioned at the beginning one of the things that I consider a disadvantage is the fact that we spent much more time improving our writing than our speaking. I think it would be great to include in the English class periodic and original activities that can help us improve our speaking.
I’m really sad because this is the last task of the term and I think it will take me a while to use this blog again.
Good bye!

Thursday 2 July 2009

My ideal job

Hi guys, in this time I will talk of my ideal job.
I would like work with misunderstoods persons, because I think anybody want work with they. I have seen how psychologists and psychiatrists mistreat to psychiatric patient, because the majory of them don't treat her patient like persons.
This is the reason for I want work how clinical psychology in a psychiatric clinic, I sure I would be a good profetional in this work, because I have a strong motivation for change this situation.
In this work I will need have many tools, because it is a very complicated work. I will mention some of that. First, I need know a lot of information about Neuroscience, because, the majory of the psychiatric clinic are inside of hospital, and in this context, the science have the true.
Second, I need have many knowledge about a branch of the psychology: clinical psychology. I will have know all the patologies and I will know some of illness too. Finally, I want use a tool unconvenional: the hypnosis. I think with it tool I would be help many people with psychiatric illness.
But a problem is, for the psychologists, is very difficult get into work in this area, because generally, it´s a medicine's area, and the psychologists are discriminate against in this branch.
Despite this, I want work in the psychiatric clinic, because I know I have a possibility of improve the quality of life of many patient.

Saturday 20 June 2009

“Do Schools Kill Creativity” by Sir Ken Robinson

I saw the Ken Robinson’s video and he said very interesting ideas. He start saying all the people has interest by education, and I’m agree with it.
Most of people thinks the education is very important for the humanity, but nobody else thinks how improve the education. Ken Robinson said the problem of the education is the schools don’t teach creativity. In fact, the children, who born with creativity, lose it at the school. The school, teach that the most important thing is the head, and leaves out the creativity, the art, the music, and the paint. This happens in all places of the world. Ken Robinson said the math is important like the art, and I am agree with it. I think, all learning are importants for the child. If the schools were agree with it, the children will have more opportunities in the future, not only the universities carreer will have a good prestigious, but the technical degree and other options too. In a world where people is so different, it is very important point.

Friday 5 June 2009

My Future

In 5 years from now, I see me with my house and my family. At that moment I hope has get married and live with my husband and 2 sons. I hope they would be two ladies, and they will be very polite.
In the professionally area I see me with a psychology’s certifícate in my hand. I will work in a tidy institution, and I will be very meticulous with that. My house will be beautiful, perfect and neat. For that, my daughters will not know the dirt. In the morning I will go to my office, and I will work for become the best psychologist of the institution. In the afternoon I will be to my house cooking with my daughters, for will have the best tea time of the world.
But it isn`t all, the weekend will be the best. I go out with my friends and will have uncontrolled night, but it, nobody will know.

Saturday 16 May 2009

My career

Hellow everyone!
In this time I talk about my carrer.
I am studing Psychology, and I decided to study it when I finished the school. I wanted to study another carreer, and I was convinced of it. But everything changed when I realized that I needed to work with people. Now I’m sure that helping people is what makes me happy and I want to do this for the rest of my life.
I love my carreer, and I study that because I want to work helping people. I think this career is a oportunity to change the life of people with hard problems. Psychology gives me tools to know about people’s personalities and this allow to be expert in this area.
My favourite subject is Clinical Psychology, and I want to work with childrens and teenagers because I think that a good professional can change a child’s life, because this stage is very vulnerable.

Friday 24 April 2009

I choose a picture of my last birthday. I celebrated it in my house for first time, because my family, generally don't agree with I make parties in my house. But, that was a very important ocation, for that I can celebrate in my house.
In this picture are very important people for me, and I love it because was a moment that there were friends of diferent parts. There were university's friends, school's friends and neighborhood's friends. I had never been with all my friend together. Perhaps this is a reason for this birthday was the best birthday in my life.
In this photograph aren't all the people were in my party, only appears a piece of all, but when I see that I remember all important people and the good time together.
The next day, my small house was a mess, but two friends stay with me for help me cleen each corner of my house.
This party was very enjoy and I will never forget this moment.

Friday 17 April 2009

Hellow everyone!
Today I'll show you my favourite web site. I know it
four years ago, when I still wasn't in the university. The web site is: http://www.personarte.com/.
I like this web site, because it have a wide conection with my carreer, but from other vision.
In this university I lern only a piece of the whole Psycology, and in this site I find others theories. Is very important for me read texts that show me the other part of the Psycology.
In this web site I knew thigs very interesting like the eneagrama.

(it's not finish yet)

Thursday 16 April 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my mp3.
My mp3 isn't like this of the picture. I've got it long time ago, when it was the last model.
I liked it very much, because I used to heard my music in anywhere and it enjoy my days.
The last year, my father gave me a mp4 as modern like the picture, because my old mp3 was very used, but I was unfortunated. One day I went to a party and I took with me my new gift, I couldn't see in what moment my mp4 disappear, it was a terrible thing for me, I couldn't believe that it was happened to me, there was a thief in this place!
So, from this day I returned to my old mp3, it was already working, as it was so ugly, any thief would steal it never, and I'll have music good forever.

Friday 27 March 2009

Ladies and gentlemen!! Welcome to my blog

My name is Catalina Aravena, and I am the picture´s girl.I am twenty one years old, and I am in 3th grade of psychology in University of Chile.

I live in Santiago, in a small apartment in Ñuñoa. I Live with my parents and my little sister. But they aren't all my family, I have a older sister, she had never live with me, because she live in Finland since she was two years old.

I create this blog, because is an english's homework. Before that I haven't had a blog, I write a lot about me, but I haven't published this written.I hope this blog help me to lern a litlle bit more english language.

Well, that's all

see you soon
